"I'm Good" is Garbage: "The Lead Up"
Preface: A few weeks back I posted, “Calling All Men (and Women).”
This is a call back to that event, a reflection on parts of the
experience of proclaiming the uncomfortable truth of modern day slavery
in Atlanta during the Men’s Final Four. I don’t pretend to think that
human trafficking is the sole problem in the world, but it certainly is
Face: The Lead Up: The idea came to me fairly late in the game, but I must admit some disappointment that there were never more than 2 of us out there (and one person joined me twice). I’m not saying that I have any more “holy” place than you if you didn’t go.
Now I realize a few things. I know others were involved in fighting this in other ways this particular weekend. It was also only a call to be there to men, so women are a little more “off-the-hook.” Some had other plans already laid out and other responsibilities to attend to. Some of you aren’t even in Georgia. Admittedly, I’ve certainly not shared the convictions of others before, and haven’t participated in every little thing, nor should anyone.
I’m just being vulnerable in that it was a bit discouraging to think that I certainly would have had an easier time, even amongst believers, of getting men’s attention and participation if I’d proposed a cookout for the same time period or suggested a trip to the Braves game.
Now, none of those things are wrong. In fact, I’d love to be able to do any of those things with many of you sometime very soon. And, although I am expressing my discouraged heart at those facts, I want to iterate that the time in Atlanta was obviously, ultimately, 0% about me.
It also wasn’t encouraging to hear from a, what I’ve at least suspected to be, Christian organization that the first paragraph of my last blog was basically “all JESUS” and not what they thought they should be pushing right now. (No. I will not tell you the name, so don’t bother asking). Perhaps there is more at play than I understand, and I don’t want to discount the work they do in fighting great injustice. However, it was discouraging, because I know that for many of us Jesus is what has moved our hearts to this, why are we suddenly ashamed of His name, when we claim that He is THE Answer? Instead of taking time trying to figure out what the name of this organization is, we’d be better served finding the areas that we’ve taken Jesus out of.
I was, however encouraged at the, at least positive response by others expressing their support. And I was incredibly proud to stand and walk the streets beside Sean Waggoner and Arden De Cuir, and am thankful that they were actually able to join me. I was also encouraged in that were able to minister and pray with some homeless folks. I know that this encouraged section is far shorter than the discouraged section. However, do not let this sell short my appreciation for what support this received.
Face: The Lead Up: The idea came to me fairly late in the game, but I must admit some disappointment that there were never more than 2 of us out there (and one person joined me twice). I’m not saying that I have any more “holy” place than you if you didn’t go.
Now I realize a few things. I know others were involved in fighting this in other ways this particular weekend. It was also only a call to be there to men, so women are a little more “off-the-hook.” Some had other plans already laid out and other responsibilities to attend to. Some of you aren’t even in Georgia. Admittedly, I’ve certainly not shared the convictions of others before, and haven’t participated in every little thing, nor should anyone.
I’m just being vulnerable in that it was a bit discouraging to think that I certainly would have had an easier time, even amongst believers, of getting men’s attention and participation if I’d proposed a cookout for the same time period or suggested a trip to the Braves game.
Now, none of those things are wrong. In fact, I’d love to be able to do any of those things with many of you sometime very soon. And, although I am expressing my discouraged heart at those facts, I want to iterate that the time in Atlanta was obviously, ultimately, 0% about me.
It also wasn’t encouraging to hear from a, what I’ve at least suspected to be, Christian organization that the first paragraph of my last blog was basically “all JESUS” and not what they thought they should be pushing right now. (No. I will not tell you the name, so don’t bother asking). Perhaps there is more at play than I understand, and I don’t want to discount the work they do in fighting great injustice. However, it was discouraging, because I know that for many of us Jesus is what has moved our hearts to this, why are we suddenly ashamed of His name, when we claim that He is THE Answer? Instead of taking time trying to figure out what the name of this organization is, we’d be better served finding the areas that we’ve taken Jesus out of.
I was, however encouraged at the, at least positive response by others expressing their support. And I was incredibly proud to stand and walk the streets beside Sean Waggoner and Arden De Cuir, and am thankful that they were actually able to join me. I was also encouraged in that were able to minister and pray with some homeless folks. I know that this encouraged section is far shorter than the discouraged section. However, do not let this sell short my appreciation for what support this received.
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