Fancylandless & The Team Formerly Known as Real (WR)
8 debrief found us wrapping up India, a tough month, as I’ve previously
alluded to in my last 2 blogs. It also found us in a small town,
without many luxuries, trapped, for the most part, by incessant rain.
But I think that’s what we needed.
Many of us had a tough month spiritually and/or otherwise, the threat at a luxurious debrief would have been to, as my new squad leader Rebekah Clark aptly pointed out in her blog, run to worldly things for comfort and peace.
But those amenities weren’t available to us. In fact, nowhere we looked to have debrief was going to be filled with convenience or lots of “pleasure” as we typically might seek it out after a tough time. Instead, the only place of real comfort and solace we had to turn to was God and each other. For the most part I think our squad took advantage of that.
It wasn’t the debrief many wanted or envisioned. Even I, though I knew “Fancy Land” wasn’t the best for us, didn’t see the incessant rain as an issue to the extent that it was. Sure it was monsoon season, but that had been dwindling down throughout our month of travels… not this week.
But as I alluded to in my last blog, the things that aren’t our “favorite,” can often be best for us.
In the times in our life when we feel the most beat down, when we have luxuries or easy things we can run to them and not to the God whom we need alone.
Thankfully, God protected me from that during this week.
As John Piper pointed out in “Don’t Waste Your Life,” God doesn’t often call us to an easier life.
Tough times will drive you further from God and closer to rock bottom, or they can push you the other way. A lot of that depends on attitude and perspective, and what you chose to do with the cards your dealt, and of course the sway of His Spirit on our your heart. Thankfully, He pulled me a good way.
Something else happened…
Team Changes…
4 of the previous 6 team leaders were given a reprieve from team leading. Only one remained a team leader, my old leader, Becca Burger. Rebekah Clark was raised up to a squad leader (totally made for it even if she doesn’t believe it yet) in place of my first team leader Rachel Williams, who was given a great blessing to be able to “just be.”
Sam, Austin, Molly, and Rach had all been in leadership since the beginning of the race, and Janelle had been in it for 4 months. They all greatly deserved the break, and I’m very happy for all of them as I am thankful for their service and leadership. I am hopeful in this season that they can enjoy the things and freedoms they couldn’t before, because they were so busy pouring themselves out for their fellow teammates and squad mates.
So what does all this “freeing” and change mean?
Well “Unveiled Pursuit” has gone the way of the great “Mosaic” and is no more.
*Cue “Taps” *
It’s still mostly intact, but I’ve been taken away, and in my stead Sam and Leah (two of my favorite people on this journey) have filled in what is now “Breathe.” And I’m sure they will be a breath of life for my old teammates. I’m happy for all of them to have each other, and know they will be a great team.
So what of me? What became of this gangly man?
I’ve been given the honor of being a team leader of what is now “The Team Formerly Known as REAL.” And I know what you’re thinking… and the answer is Yes… We do have a symbol.

I am humbled that I not only allowed to serve and grow alongside, Austin, Ben, Jenna, Sarah, Meagan, and Kristin, but to be charged with leading them. This would be such a heavy burden without their support, but I’ve been so moved by the welcome I’ve received. These are some really great folks, and I’m excited for what God will show us, and show others thru us.
Please pray for me as I try to lead such strong and wonderful children of God. Pray for wisdom, discernment, conviction, and strength. Pray that I would reject passivity, but be filled with humility, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness and mercy. Pray that my pride dies its last death, and that I lead with vulnerability and a servant heart.
And perhaps even more… pray for them. Pray that He would give them gracious hearts to understand and be forgiving in the times I fall short. Pray for open hearts, and for all the things I asked to be prayed for myself.
Pray that we can learn from each other, but above all… Pray that God be glorified in us as individuals and as a team, and that we leave each person we meet along the last 3 months and as we go home, wanting, knowing, and having more of the God we have grown in.
“GAME… BLOUSES!” (If you don’t get it, it’s okay).

Many of us had a tough month spiritually and/or otherwise, the threat at a luxurious debrief would have been to, as my new squad leader Rebekah Clark aptly pointed out in her blog, run to worldly things for comfort and peace.
But those amenities weren’t available to us. In fact, nowhere we looked to have debrief was going to be filled with convenience or lots of “pleasure” as we typically might seek it out after a tough time. Instead, the only place of real comfort and solace we had to turn to was God and each other. For the most part I think our squad took advantage of that.
It wasn’t the debrief many wanted or envisioned. Even I, though I knew “Fancy Land” wasn’t the best for us, didn’t see the incessant rain as an issue to the extent that it was. Sure it was monsoon season, but that had been dwindling down throughout our month of travels… not this week.
But as I alluded to in my last blog, the things that aren’t our “favorite,” can often be best for us.
In the times in our life when we feel the most beat down, when we have luxuries or easy things we can run to them and not to the God whom we need alone.
Thankfully, God protected me from that during this week.
As John Piper pointed out in “Don’t Waste Your Life,” God doesn’t often call us to an easier life.
Tough times will drive you further from God and closer to rock bottom, or they can push you the other way. A lot of that depends on attitude and perspective, and what you chose to do with the cards your dealt, and of course the sway of His Spirit on our your heart. Thankfully, He pulled me a good way.
Something else happened…
Team Changes…
4 of the previous 6 team leaders were given a reprieve from team leading. Only one remained a team leader, my old leader, Becca Burger. Rebekah Clark was raised up to a squad leader (totally made for it even if she doesn’t believe it yet) in place of my first team leader Rachel Williams, who was given a great blessing to be able to “just be.”
Sam, Austin, Molly, and Rach had all been in leadership since the beginning of the race, and Janelle had been in it for 4 months. They all greatly deserved the break, and I’m very happy for all of them as I am thankful for their service and leadership. I am hopeful in this season that they can enjoy the things and freedoms they couldn’t before, because they were so busy pouring themselves out for their fellow teammates and squad mates.
So what does all this “freeing” and change mean?
Well “Unveiled Pursuit” has gone the way of the great “Mosaic” and is no more.
*Cue “Taps” *
It’s still mostly intact, but I’ve been taken away, and in my stead Sam and Leah (two of my favorite people on this journey) have filled in what is now “Breathe.” And I’m sure they will be a breath of life for my old teammates. I’m happy for all of them to have each other, and know they will be a great team.
So what of me? What became of this gangly man?
I’ve been given the honor of being a team leader of what is now “The Team Formerly Known as REAL.” And I know what you’re thinking… and the answer is Yes… We do have a symbol.
I am humbled that I not only allowed to serve and grow alongside, Austin, Ben, Jenna, Sarah, Meagan, and Kristin, but to be charged with leading them. This would be such a heavy burden without their support, but I’ve been so moved by the welcome I’ve received. These are some really great folks, and I’m excited for what God will show us, and show others thru us.
Please pray for me as I try to lead such strong and wonderful children of God. Pray for wisdom, discernment, conviction, and strength. Pray that I would reject passivity, but be filled with humility, peace, patience, gentleness, kindness and mercy. Pray that my pride dies its last death, and that I lead with vulnerability and a servant heart.
And perhaps even more… pray for them. Pray that He would give them gracious hearts to understand and be forgiving in the times I fall short. Pray for open hearts, and for all the things I asked to be prayed for myself.
Pray that we can learn from each other, but above all… Pray that God be glorified in us as individuals and as a team, and that we leave each person we meet along the last 3 months and as we go home, wanting, knowing, and having more of the God we have grown in.
“GAME… BLOUSES!” (If you don’t get it, it’s okay).
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