I cannot "Title" this

Father... Thank You for continually seeking to remind me that You are all that satisfies... all I'll ever need...AND more than I'll ever deserve. Thank You...that though my foolish heart and mind wander and put up hope in other things and people, no matter how "good" they could be, You always seem to remind me how they fall flat compared to You.

I pray that I become an easier student. However, I know I will often require a tough reminder. I'm thankful that You do not give up on me in spite of my pursuit of other, even if "good" and "wonderful," things. I'm thankful that You're always there to remind me, harshly when necessary, that You are BEST and that though my heart may long for "more" somehow that You are more than sufficient for such a prideful man.

None of my words, nor a collection of those of the wisest men and women, could ever come near what it would take to express my need for You, and You alone; Nor could they aptly describe my foolishness for not always having a heart and mind that know the understanding and reckoning of that fact as the ONLY worthwhile lens and path through which they view and feel all blessing and heartache.

May my heart and mind always count it a joy to be broken back to this understanding: that You, Your Spirit, and Your Son are Each, and All-together, greater than the sum of all the other blessings I could ever receive in an eternity in total, and that in spite of my foolishness to not be all Yours, that You love me anyway. Despite my pride and vanity, You see thru and You love me anyway.

May my life be able to be but a speck of a fraction of that love to Your world, and may I understand that if this request is granted, my life will have been more valuable than that of a thousand kings and a million scholars.

May I be a love, grace, and mercy giver more than a lofty thinker or pious theologian.

May my life not max out as something as eternally insignificant as a section in a history book or some novel piece of trivia, but may it be much more just by being but a speck of Your story.

May my life be more beautiful and pleasing to You than any prayer I, or any, could ever formulate.

May this prayer and all else You teach me...be my life.

And may I ever realize and live in the understanding and thankfulness, that even IF all of this is true of my life, that I will still not come near to what You first were, continually are, and always will be to me.

In Jesus' name I make this petition and I thank YOU! Amen


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