Fancylandless & The Team Formerly Known as Real (WR)
Month 8 debrief found us wrapping up India, a tough month, as I’ve previously alluded to in my last 2 blogs. It also found us in a small town, without many luxuries, trapped, for the most part, by incessant rain. But I think that’s what we needed. Many of us had a tough month spiritually and/or otherwise, the threat at a luxurious debrief would have been to, as my new squad leader Rebekah Clark aptly pointed out in her blog, run to worldly things for comfort and peace. But those amenities weren’t available to us. In fact, nowhere we looked to have debrief was going to be filled with convenience or lots of “pleasure” as we typically might seek it out after a tough time. Instead, the only place of real comfort and solace we had to turn to was God and each other. For the most part I think our squad took advantage of that. It wasn’t the debrief many wanted or envisioned. Even I, though I knew “Fancy Land” wasn’t the best for us, ...