Breaking Good Hearts (SQL)
You could have done an entire World Race, 11 months, since this happened... Some people did. So… I’m a little tardy, but hopefully, it’ll be a better blog than it would have been, had I typed it in 2013. It was month 3 for S squad. I was with a couple of teams in Nicaragua. We were fresh off of our debrief, which was nice, but, make no mistake, Nicaragua was a difficult month, particularly from a squad leader perspective. Sickness swept across the squad, there were a lot of attacks of a spiritual nature, people wanted to quit and go home… some did and/or had to. A lot happened, but that’s not what this was about. This is about September day… and a lesson, though not exhaustive, that sticks with me. Some of the healthier folks that day had gone out for door to door evangelism in another town. I was at the camp. Why I’d stayed I don’t completely remember, but as late afternoon rolls around and the visitation crew gets back. I’m pulled aside and informed ...