
Showing posts from 2014

Be Thankful: It's Not About Ferguson

It's not about Ferguson...   And on Thanksgiving Eve(and always) I'm thankful for that! There will always be a Ferguson ... or an ebola ... or a Crimea. .. or an Isis ...or a Ray Rice ... or a Pistorius trial ... or a Benghazi ... or gay marriage ... or gun violence ...or someone trying to take our constitutional rights away ... or a conspiracy theory ... or an NSA scandal ... or an Obama ... or a Bush ... or even further back an OJ ...a Vietnam ... SOMETHING!  In a few months it will be something else that everyone is upset about, that we don't even know about yet.  But, to some extent, it's all the same thing with different clothes on.  There will always be issues that are unpleasant (maybe even miserable) to at least some, and I'm not here to state opinions on any of them specifically.  But these issues quite often become nothing more than anxiety filled and hate feeding distractions. If you are a Believer, could we consider (mysel...

Breaking Good Hearts (SQL)

You could have done an entire World Race, 11 months, since this happened... Some people did. So…  I’m a little tardy, but hopefully, it’ll be a better blog than it would have been, had I typed it in 2013. It was month 3 for S squad. I was with a couple of teams in Nicaragua. We were fresh off of our debrief, which was nice, but, make no mistake, Nicaragua was a difficult month, particularly from a squad leader perspective. Sickness swept across the squad, there were a lot of attacks of a spiritual nature, people wanted to quit and go home… some did and/or had to. A lot happened, but that’s not what this was about. This is about September day… and a lesson, though not exhaustive, that sticks with me. Some of the healthier folks that day had gone out for door to door evangelism in another town. I was at the camp. Why I’d stayed I don’t completely remember, but as late afternoon rolls around and the visitation crew gets back. I’m pulled aside and informed ...