I Steal Things From Little Girls (WR)
So… blog world… the long awaited closure to the Tra nsnis tria and Moldova chapters of this race has finally come. I know you were feverishly checking your emails and my blog page, just in case you missed it. Well, fret not, it has arrived. There came a time in my life when I found myself in the magical, yet not-so-official, land of Tr ansnistr ia, what some people know as Moldova. As you may recall, if you frequent this blog and have a good memory, I was handed a piece of paper and instructed not to lose it. Seeing as how losing it could potentially lead to a fine or imprisonment, I planned to keep a tight grip on it. However, my pocket had a different plan, and it may well be in one of Tira spol’s finest abandoned buildings or dumpsters by now. So what ever became of me? Whatever happened with the cliffhanger I dropped two blogs ago, only to not address last blog? What is this? “Bones?” Nope. This is my blog, and if you d...