
Showing posts from March, 2012

What's The Point? (WR)

What's the point? Is it to get things done?  Is it to change the world?  Is it to even make a difference? Seems like a no brainer... Or is it? Perhaps somewhere along the line, in the midst of knowing the right things, we've forgotten them in favor of what our thoughts and feelings tell us is the "right thing." Sometimes we get to the point when we want to do the right thing, but we're so bogged down by how ineffective we think it might be.  We might have been shut down so many times before in what we view as our sincere attempts to do the right thing.  And though they may have been sincere, we may be discouraged because we feel like our attempts to love or serve the interests of others will be a failure. But what determines failure? I would say that with no goal, there is no failure. But fear not... I'm not saying to not have goal, that would be boring and lame... not to mention wrong, but rather that we re-examine what the goal is.  If the goal is for our lo...

Dog Year and a Day (World Race)

So just know... I haven't been ignoring you all... also just know that this blog will not be as good as it would have been had it not been 3 am as I write this and everything I just typed hadn't just been deleted. Also just know that it wasn't that great to begin with so you don't have to cry too bad for what you're missing out on. I've done a poor job of blogging. Not because I don't care about you folks knowing what's going on, it's just that I've not felt like I've had anything that I'd consider worth reading in terms of quality of composition. Not that what I've been doing sucks or isn't a great experience, but I’m not normally one for just sharing experience I wanna go deeper into what that experience means normally.  And my thought process has been, "Well if my narcissistic self wouldn't wanna read just this about what's going on, why would I subject other people to the email or the Facebook/twitter link and ...