
Showing posts from February, 2011

The Least Foundation

Originally Typed: February 3, 2011 Before you read this... just know you can help all this happen by going to and voting for my plan once a day until March 15. Tell your friends, make it your homepage, whatever you want. It's all appreciated! Ok... So some of you may have heard, quite vaguely I'm sure, about my desire and move to start a non profit foundation. The organization in question would be "The Least Foundation." Here's the latest to my "plan." The proposed mission statement will be at the very least... very similar to... "The Least Foundation exists to love the unloved and 'unlovable' reach the unreached and 'unreachable,' bring hope to the 'unseen,' 'hopeless,' and 'forgotten,' facilitate the process of those already engaged toward these ends, and encourage others to do the same, all in reflection of the life-changing love of Jesus Christ....

Crossing Chasms and Building Bridges

Originally typed: January 27, 2011 There's an ever-widening chasm between "vaguely caring about the less fortunate" and "making a worthwhile difference." The only way to bridge it is "intentionally." It won't happen by accident. Love, and worthwhile things motivated by love, don't occur by happenstance. It takes seeking. It takes a surrendered, broken, soft heart and dedicated, driven mind. It takes courage, selflessness, money, time, and more; the combination of which do not fit conveniently into the "American Dream." To bridge the bigger chasm in the world we've got to bridge the chasm in our lives, between what we say we care about/what sounds good and what we really care about? Sure there's more, but one of the biggest problems is that we often love "the idea of helping" more than the reality that it takes. What does your life; your actions, and your time and money spent, say about what you love and what ...

Really Making the Most of Jesus

This was originally posted on Facebook, hence the mentions of FB. Originally typed: January 5, 2011 You may see this note and feel rushed with no time to read it because of the length, but how much time are you gonna waste doing other things today or tomorrow or the next day? Maybe just give it a shot. I mean... you ARE on Facebook, what else of massive importance do you have going? If there is anything you've obviously been willing to put it aside to get on Facebook, so what's another few minutes? We're not defined by anything we've ever had, anything we have, or anything we will have on this earth, no matter what happiness those things may bring. We're not defined by anything we have ever lost, are losing, or ever will lose on this earth, no matter what pain or distress that may bring. We're not defined by anything that we'll never have on this earth, no matter how great it may have been to have. That sounds good to say, but it is only of course...

Philippians 2:1-8

Originally written : "Back in the day" "If then there is any encouragement in Christ, any consolation from love, any sharing in the Spirit, any compassion and sympathy, make my joy complete: be of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death— even death on a cross." Philippians 2:1-8

Finishing Well

Originally typed: November 3, 2010 It's not how we start, but how we finish, but we can never finish well unless at some point you start well. How do we start well? Start today. What do we start?... Start to love others today, because we have been, and are loved, in spite of our yesterdays, and as for our tomorrow(s)... we can just try to love more if we get there. How do we know how to love? Look at how we've been loved. Pray that through the Holy Spirit we would be shown our "unlovable" nature, and enamored with the grace and mercy we've received to have the breath to even begin to pray this prayer. Read and study and meditate through the Bible on how we've been, are, and will be loved by our Father, through the death and resurrection of Jesus, and through His ascension and sending of the Holy Spirit. And look for ways to reflect that love starting today. We must be attentive to the Spirit. Be attentive to our surroundings. We must be self aware to h...

Uncommon Sense

Originally Typed: July 6, 2010 We feel and are often taught, in some way, that the goal of life is belief in God, and after that simple belief in Jesus as savior, but this is a short sell to be sure. We are so much in constant judgment of unbelief and the "big" sins we would associate with it that we glorify belief. Faith is the goal, not mere belief. Belief is an empty and safe ideology, an illusion of security, a self-serving, spiritual pat on the back for a thought well done... in theory; but faith on the other hand is not so empty, or so easy, or so common. And well "common" is something we've got plenty of, and common just takes up too much space. A life filled with "common" is a life void of faith. Because you is a bit more claustrophobic. There is no faith without room for risk, and risk is far from "common." So be uncommon, not for the simple sake of breaking trends, otherwise we glorify "our originality" and ult...

Ride's part of the trip

Originally "written" /typed January 2, 2010 I used to take trips to Florida with my grandparents. Those 4 hours turned to 6, 7, or 8 on the road were utterly annoying, only made more bearable by 2 things counting the cars of certain colors (white wins) and knowing there was a beach at the end. That my destination was somehow worth the hell I THOUGHT I was experiencing. What irritated me worse then was when I urged my grandfather to speed up (who mind you was driving 45 miles an hour to the beach) he would always say "Ride's part of the trip" I've often jokingly mocked my grandfather of the ridiculousness of this comment. Now I don't think my grandfather meant this in a spiritual or deep way, I genuinely think he was just excusing his lack of desire to get to the beach. However, recently as I sat eating with a dear friend of mine it hit me. The ride IS part of the trip and equally, if not more importantly, that what we know or misguidedly think is the de...

Feeling Again...

Originally Written : Tuesday, July 24, 2007 It's funny in sort of a sadistic way what our minds and our hearts can team up to do when we're hurt. Our emotions can get blugeoned to where they can either feel bitterness and hurt, or nothing at all. And holding it in just ups the ante. We can walk around dying or dead inside and it seems like nobody really cares, but we won't dare give them a chance too, maybe because we got burned pretty bad. Plus it's not like we'd want anyone to pity us anyway, that would just make us feel worse. We sit around and think, "I can't imagine ever feeling anything again... at least anything resembling true joy." We may even know the way, but not care about ourselves enough to pursue it. I have lived in this place. But God IS answering my prayer. My prayer that he would make me care enough about myself to pursue him. The hurt is still there, but the sting and the numbness is leaving me. Because God is blasting away at the so...

Other Half of “Sappy Chick Creed” Found

Originally Written: July 12, 2007 AP-Yuma, AZ---Over the past several years women and girls everywhere have been adopting a creed, at least outwardly. The famous creed, entitled “Sappy Chick Creed” has several different versions, but is most commonly something like doctrine stated below: "Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who holds your hand in front of his friends, and will stay awake just to watch you sleep... Wait for the guy who will be your best friend, the one who makes you smile like no one else can, and when he smiles, you know he needs you. Wait for the guy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, and who thinks you're even prettier without makeup on! Wait for the guy who is constantly reminding you of how much he loves and cares for you and how lucky he is to have you. And most of all wait for the guy who will put you at the center of his universe, because that is where you belong!" It has mo...

How I invented the 8 track player

Originally written May 15, 2007 I'm writing this note to address something very few of you know about, and I wanted let you all know from me before you heard it from someone else. It is true that I am do have a fairly large net worth, and that the money comes from money made from my invention of the 8 track player. Earlier in my life I was a traveling fishing pole salesman, for about 2 years in fact. The money was good, and the life was better. I was number one in my division for both years and was lavished with several awards. Also my clients were so pleased with the quality of rods and reels that I had provided them with that they would often give me gifts. Some of the gifts were quite odd and seemingly insignificant, but little did I know that these gifts would help me make the invention that would soon change my life and the music industry. I was particularly puzzled when on back to back trips in Saganaw, Michigan I was given to strange gifts. At the Miller house, Mr. Miller af...


So I've decided to copy over some facebook notes that I've written over the last couple years... So that might explain some of the references within them or if they don't make chronological sense.