The Least Foundation
Originally Typed: February 3, 2011 Before you read this... just know you can help all this happen by going to and voting for my plan once a day until March 15. Tell your friends, make it your homepage, whatever you want. It's all appreciated! Ok... So some of you may have heard, quite vaguely I'm sure, about my desire and move to start a non profit foundation. The organization in question would be "The Least Foundation." Here's the latest to my "plan." The proposed mission statement will be at the very least... very similar to... "The Least Foundation exists to love the unloved and 'unlovable' reach the unreached and 'unreachable,' bring hope to the 'unseen,' 'hopeless,' and 'forgotten,' facilitate the process of those already engaged toward these ends, and encourage others to do the same, all in reflection of the life-changing love of Jesus Christ....